Reliable partial discharge testing on transformers
Our RIV1 calibrator is used for the calibration of high-voltage partial discharge (PD) test set-ups on power, current and voltage transformers. It ensures the reliable calibration of MPD 500 and MPD 600 measurement systems for PD measurements based on Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) according to NEMA and CISPR standards. A voltage is injected across the test object at a pre-defined frequency within a range of 100 kHz to 2 MHz and thereby adapted to surrounding noise conditions.
Versions for different standards
The RIV1 comes in two versions, each with different output impedances to meet different standards. The RIV1-NEMA ensures a low output impedance (<2 Ω) required for a very stable output voltage to meet standards like NEMA 107-1987 or IEEE C57.12.90. The RIV1-CISPR provides an output impedance of 20 kΩ required by standards like CISPR 18-2 (2) and by IEC 60437.
Key features
- Adjustable signal frequency and output voltage to match application requirements
- Application-specific versions of RIV calibrators and measurement impedances ensure fully compliance to applicable measurement standards
- Complies with all parts of RIV related NEMA, IEEE, IEC and CISPR standards
- Independent power supply with built-in battery
- Calibration of high-voltage partial discharge (PD) test set-ups on power, current and voltage transformers